- AdD : 新北市新莊區明中街 36 號 [自捷運頭前庄站步行,約 9 分鐘可抵]
- TeL : (02) 2277 - 3203
- BuSiNeSs hOuR : Pm 12:00 ~ Pm 21:30 [Am 11:00 ~ On Sat & Sun;週一公休]
- OffiCiaL WebSiTe : http://ciao-o.tw
- FaCebOoK : https://www.facebook.com/CiaoCiaoO620/
- P.s : 免服務費、只收現金、無線上網
這家 "敲我烘焙工作室",坐落於捷運頭前庄站附近的小巷內,以味美的甜點與優質的咖啡為其兩大優勢而吸引著我 (另外還有麵包也不賴呢 ~~)。一般來說,咖啡跟甜點若能專精其一就已經 hen 厲害,要兩者俱佳就更不容易了,何況又是在新莊這裡。以我敏銳的觀察力研判,"敲我" 的美味程度在當地應屬打遍天下無敵手的狀態,因此,住新莊當地的朋友如想品嘗優質甜點與好咖啡,不必再往台北市區跑了,來 "敲我" 一趟就對啦!
也許因為是烘焙工作室的緣故,所以 "敲我" 的店內裝潢相形之下就略顯得單調了點,不過乾淨、舒適度無虞,還是能帶本書安靜的呆上一個下午的那種鄰家小店 (假日限食 2.5 小時)。在喝完咖啡、品過甜點之後,轉身推開店家大門離去之前,不妨挑幾樣常溫蛋糕或是手工餅乾再走不遲,這兩樣也是 "敲我" 自豪的作品,畢竟美好的事物,與人同享總能令快樂加倍啊!:)
Despite with MRT, I still seldom wander in Xinzhuang district of New Taipei City. Once in a blue moon, if there is some great shop worth a visit, I’ll go for it directly and purposely. However, there are too many restaurants of Taipei on my drop-by list to eat them all. How could I have time to visit a dessert shop in Xinzhuang district? On the other hand, there must be some advantage to attract me, if I go some shop in Xinzhuang first.
What appeals to me most of the Ciao.O Bakery Workshop, nearby the MRT Touqianzhuang Station, are its delicious desserts and great coffee (its bread is also good). Generally speaking, mastering coffee or dessert is not easy, not to mention mastering both of them, especially in Xinzhuang. From my point of view, the level of “Ciao.O” is top in Xinzhuang, and locals don’t have to go Taipei to have a good coffee or desserts anymore, because of "Ciao.O".
The interior design of “Ciao.O” is a little bit monotonous, maybe due to as a bakery workshop. But, “Ciao.O” is still a clean and comfortable place to read a book quietly all afternoon. After having coffee and dessert, before leaving, you may as well pick up some pound cake, Madeleine, or homemade cookies to share with family and friends. All of them are classic desserts of “Ciao.O”. after all, sharing wonderful things makes happiness double!
"敲我" 的咖啡品質很不錯 而咖啡豆為自家烘焙的 外帶咖啡若自備杯子 可享 NT. 5 折抵 當日供應的冷藏甜點 以櫃內為準 [右下] 外帶如自備裝盛器皿 同樣可享 NT. 5 折抵 另外常溫蛋糕的選擇性也很豐富 像是瑪德蓮 [右上] 就有桂蜜、伯爵、焙茶、 玫瑰蔓越莓等口味可擇 |
除了甜品之外 "敲我" 也有供應簡單的鹹食 像是鹹派、沙拉等 而飲料方面 除了鐵定要來上一杯的咖啡之外 也有可可、茶飲可選 |
~~~~~~ 延伸閱讀 ~~~~~~
※ 美食 @ 新莊
〈新北市‧捷運新莊站〉可啦可啦咖啡 Kara Kara Cafe ~~ 小巷弄裡的驚喜,溫馨小巧的悠然空間
〈新北‧捷運丹鳳站〉甜心屋咖啡烘焙館 Sweet Home Coffee ~~ 聞香入門,暢飲平價好咖啡
※ 甜點
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝復興站〉PINEDE ~~ 來自名古屋的法式甜點,餅乾泡芙敲好吃!
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝新生站〉穿石 CHANTEZ Pâtisserie ~~ 淨白素雅的甜點饗樂空間,鹹食、飲品也很優
〈新北‧捷運板橋站〉Merci créme ~~ 雅致老派風情,鹹食、甜點、飲品俱佳