- AdD : 台北市中山區中山北路一段 83 巷 24 號 [自捷運中山站步行,約分鐘 7 可抵]
- TeL : (02) 2531 - 8611
- BuSiNeSs hOuR : Am 11:30 ~ Pm 14:00;Pm 17:30 ~ Pm 21:30
- OfficiaL WebSiTe : http://unagiuosho.co.jp
- FacEbOoK : https://www.facebook.com/unagiuoshoTW/
- P.s : 免服務費、可刷卡
說起日本職人精神,在餐飲界或許就體現在不同的料理專門店上,像是豬排專賣店、拉麵專賣店等等,只專精於一樣特定食材上,並發展出令人瞠目結舌的各式佳餚來,而其中我最少接觸到的,就屬鰻魚料理了。為了彌補這項缺憾,從今天起我要成為鰻魚王 ~~~ ㄜ... 不是啦 XD ~ 是好好品嘗一下台北各家鰻魚料理專門店,而首站挑選了 "魚庄"。
正港來自日本的 "魚庄" 創業於西元 1883 年,擁有 130 餘年的烤炙經驗與獨門醬料 (別問我配方 ... 畢竟是商業機密啊 ...),而使用的鰻種是日本白鰻,價格堪稱鰻魚界的黃金,是不同於穴子 (星鰻) 的降海洄游魚類 (成熟體生活於河川,產卵時則游洄海域,剛好跟鮭魚相反),也因此一特性,古人認為食鰻可以滋補身體呢!
一踏進 "魚庄",相信很多朋友都會同我一樣,不自覺的讚嘆店內裝潢 "好日本" 啊 ~ 而且還是頗具質感的那種。用餐環境方面相當不錯,使用隔間來區隔每一張桌子,儘管是半開放式的,但就是多了一分隱密感。至於餐點的表現我覺得挺棒的,所點的每一道菜在下次回訪時,我都會想再重溫一遍呢!更甭提親切十足的服務嚕 ~ 如果可以,還真想讓鰻魚王之路就此打住咧 XD ~~~
When it comes to the spirit of Japanese craftsman, maybe cuisine specialist shops embody that spirit on the restaurant field, such as tonkatsu restaurant, ramen stand etc. They all specialize in one particular kind of ingredient and develop that ingredient into many different delicious cuisines. Among them, I rarely have eel cuisine. In order to make up for this regret, I wanna become master of eel cuisine. Haha, just kidding. I mean, I wanna taste a bunch of eel cuisine specialist restaurants in Taipei, and the first one is “Unagi-Uo-Sho (which means eel store in Japanese)”.
“Unagi-Uo-Sho”, coming from Japan, was established in 1883. Therefore, it has grilled eels with unique and secret sauce for at least 130 years. The eel species it served is the eel, rather than conger eel (“anago” in Japanese). Eel is one kind of catadromous migration fish (live in the river, but spawn in the ocean), and its price is pretty expensive just like gold. In the old times, people thought eating eels can make themselves stronger, due to its propensity for catadromous migration.
When you enter “Unagi-Uo-Sho”, you’ll spontaneously exclaim on how Japanese its interior decoration is, just like me. And its atmosphere is full of texture. Each table is divided from others by partition walls so the customers can feel more private when sitting there. As to its cuisines, I think pretty well, not to mention its kind and comfortable service. When I drop by here again, I would like to order every dish I’ve savored this time. If possible, I really wanna stop my path to becoming the master of eel cuisine here LOL!
一開始會先送上煎茶 [左圖] 來暖暖胃 (茶具非常有質感) 並且遞上熱毛巾 如果需要任何服務 桌上設置有服務鈴 [右下圖] 可以很輕易地獲取服務人員的關注 不過在實際用餐過程中 完全沒有用到 因為服務人員非常殷勤又主動 竟然沒收服務費,有感動到 用完餐後 會再送上一杯玄米茶 [右上圖] 可以清清味蕾 並為這一餐畫下完美休止符 |
菜單超簡潔,僅有一面而已 因為鰻魚飯現點現烤 所以建議要點一下其他的一品料理 來先墊墊底才好 |
【醬燒燒鳥*2 NT. 150 ~ 大推】 有了初訪的 二訪時就直接點醬燒口味的來嘗嘗 結果驚為天人! 應該這麼說比較妥適 透過鹽燒味的 可以鑑定出魚庄所用食材與烤功的一流 而在這基礎上 若又有百年獨門秘醬加持 那美味程度勢必倍增 因而造就出醬燒燒鳥此等無敵美味來 ~ |
~~~~~~ 延伸閱讀 ~~~~~~
※ 美食 @ 捷運中山站
〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉小樽洋菓子舖 LeTAO ~~ 來自北海道的粉嫩柔美風情,純正日系咖啡輕食館
〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉Studio du Double-V ~~ 人約黃昏後的微幸福,讓人愛不釋口的義式冰淇淋
〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉嘰咕帕紅豆餅 ~~ 復古懷舊文青風格的爆漿小點心!
※ 日本料理
〈臺北‧捷運新北投站〉北投文物館 Beitou Museum ~~ 庭院深深,一抹空幽,靜享創意懷石料理
〈新北‧捷運板橋站〉伊勢路-勝勢日式豬排 ~~ 熟悉的味道,相似的身影,莫非是杏子歸來?!
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝復興站〉大安 9 號鍋物。日本料理 ~~ 低調奢華的獨立隔間,搭配高貴不貴的料理食材,超 ~ 享 ~ 受!