- AdD : 台北市大安區仁愛路三段 123 巷 6 號 1 樓 [自捷運忠孝復興站步行,約 7 分鐘可抵]
- TeL : (02) 2721 - 6350
- BuSiNeSs hOuR : Pm 13:00 ~ Pm 19:30
- FacebOoK : https://www.facebook.com/orita.japancakes/
- P.s : 免服務費、只收現金、無線上網、低消飲料一杯/人、限食 1.5 小時 [如有人候位]
折田菓舖的創辦人折田將大,曾赴法國藍帶學藝,年少時來過臺灣旅遊、學習中文,也因此愛上這裡的一切,最後選擇在台北一圓自己的甜點夢。店內甜點以戚風、千層、生乳卷為主,每一種都會推出二至三款的口味,甚至是搭配時令水果。這回嚐試的三款甜點,表現都蠻棒的,原本最一開始只想品嚐一款就好,結果竟是欲罷不能,最後還外帶回家跟家人分享呢!你看看有多讚 ~~~
我想折田菓舖最厲害之處,在於其甜點清爽不膩的調性,一般吃甜點時總會令人罪惡感油然而生,但這裡的完全不會ㄟ!只會讓人吃完一款之後,再到冷藏櫃前東張西望挑下一款 XD ~ 不過還是要忌口一下,畢竟羅馬不是一天造成的,肥胖也非一餐形塑的嚕 >///<。
Although most Taiwanese think Japan is much better than Taiwan, there are some Japanese making a decision to live and earn their lives in Taiwan. Because they find something unique and special in Taiwan, which they’ve never seen that before in Japan. We, Taiwanese, shouldn’t miss these things, just because we used to these.
The founder of “Orita Japan Cakes”, Orita Masahiro, has been to Le Cordon Bleu in French to learn how to make desserts. When he was a teenager, he visited Taiwan with his family. After that, he came to learn Chinese in NTNU, and gradually love everything here. Finally, he made an important decision to fulfill his dream - run a dessert store in Taipei rather than in Japan.
The main products of “Orita Japan Cakes” are chiffon cake, Mille crepe cake, and Swiss milk roll. All of them have at least two or three different flavors, even going with fruits in season. This time I savored three kinds of dessert, they were all great! At first, I just wanted to have one. However, after I ate my first dessert, I just desired to have a second. Eventually, I chose third one to go to share with my parents. It’s not hard to imagine how good they are!
The founder of “Orita Japan Cakes”, Orita Masahiro, has been to Le Cordon Bleu in French to learn how to make desserts. When he was a teenager, he visited Taiwan with his family. After that, he came to learn Chinese in NTNU, and gradually love everything here. Finally, he made an important decision to fulfill his dream - run a dessert store in Taipei rather than in Japan.
The main products of “Orita Japan Cakes” are chiffon cake, Mille crepe cake, and Swiss milk roll. All of them have at least two or three different flavors, even going with fruits in season. This time I savored three kinds of dessert, they were all great! At first, I just wanted to have one. However, after I ate my first dessert, I just desired to have a second. Eventually, I chose third one to go to share with my parents. It’s not hard to imagine how good they are!
飲料有咖啡、茶、奶茶等等 因為我是要搭配甜點用 所以只要點無糖的就行嚕! |
甜點以冷藏櫃內所供應的為準 以戚風蛋糕跟千層蛋糕為主 也會搭配時令季節推出期間限定的甜點 |
雖然是平日午后 但前來消費的人潮還是不少 無論是外帶或內用 三不五時就會有客人上門 |
~~~~~~ 延伸閱讀 ~~~~~~
※ 手作甜點
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〈新北‧捷運板橋站〉Merci créme ~~ 雅致老派風情,鹹食、甜點、飲品俱佳
※ 美食 @ 捷運忠孝復興站
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝復興站〉一小步 Un Petit Pas Bistro ~~ 雅緻、迷人的法式餐酒館,商業午餐不僅優質,更是超值!
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝復興站〉PINEDE ~~ 來自名古屋的法式甜點,餅乾泡芙敲好吃!
〈臺北‧捷運忠孝復興站〉大安 9 號鍋物。日本料理 ~~ 低調奢華的獨立隔間,搭配高貴不貴的料理食材,超 ~ 享 ~ 受!