- AdD : 台北市中山區南京東路一段 36 號 [自捷運中山站步行,約 5 分鐘可抵]
- TeL : (02) 2562 - 5565
- BuSiNeSs hOuR : Am 10:00 ~ Pm 22:00
- OffiCiaL WebSiTe : https://www.smithandhsu.com/
- FaCebOoK : https://www.facebook.com/smithandhsu.tea/
- Menu : 點此觀看
- BrAnCh :
統一時代百貨台北店 - 台北市忠孝東路五段 8 號統一時代百貨 6 樓;(02) 8786 - 2877 - P.s : 一成服務費另計、可刷卡 [國旅卡特約]、會員享折扣、低消 NT. 200/人、限食 2 小時、設有包廂
隨著年紀漸長,似乎漸漸也懂得欣賞茶韻甘澀的美妙之處,或許就跟人生一樣,苦後回甘方是真滋味。所以,最近我造訪茶館的次數慢慢增加了,而且還發現一家比一家厲害呢!像這回探訪的 smith&hsu,其實早已耳聞許久,只是當時我不太喝茶 (手搖杯倒是常喝 >///<) 而錯過了。
到 smith&hsu 來喝茶,不必擔心會選錯茶款,因為在點單之前,你可以一聞再聞的確認所選的茶款香氣如何,是不是自己所鍾情的。除了茶好喝之外,我想來此絕不容錯過的,就是俗稱司康的英式酥餅啦 ~ 真的很少吃到這麼令我讚嘆的司康,搭配上滋味絕妙的各式抹醬,怎麼吃都不覺得膩啊 ~~~
smith&hsu 的各家分店裝潢都很有質感,不過南京東路分店又多了幾分設計感,一踏進店內馬上就可以轉換成輕鬆愜意的心境,因為店內的裝潢走超級無印良品風,就是一種很輕盈、無壓的舒適氛圍。好茶飲配上好茶點,又兼具優質的餐飲環境,當然會讓人想一訪再訪啦!
As I become more aged, I gradually could appreciate the astringent and sweet aftertaste of tea. Maybe it’s the same as human’s life, joy after suffering is true colors. Therefore, I’ve dropped by teahouse more often, and find more great ones, such as smith&hsu.
When you enjoy tea in smith&hsu, you don’t have to worry about choosing the wrong types, because you can smell each kind of tea before you order, and make sure that’s your favorite. In addition to wonderful tea, the scones served here is another thing you couldn’t miss. I seldom taste scones so tasty, not to mention different sauces going with, and I’ll never get tired of them!
Every branch of smith&hsu is very of texture, but the Nanjing branch is the top of them. The atmosphere of the Nanjing branch is light, relaxing and comfortable, just like the feeling of MUJI. You could switch your mood quickly when you step into it. Great tea going with wonderful desserts, along with a splendid environment, makes everyone visit more than 100 times!
As I become more aged, I gradually could appreciate the astringent and sweet aftertaste of tea. Maybe it’s the same as human’s life, joy after suffering is true colors. Therefore, I’ve dropped by teahouse more often, and find more great ones, such as smith&hsu.
When you enjoy tea in smith&hsu, you don’t have to worry about choosing the wrong types, because you can smell each kind of tea before you order, and make sure that’s your favorite. In addition to wonderful tea, the scones served here is another thing you couldn’t miss. I seldom taste scones so tasty, not to mention different sauces going with, and I’ll never get tired of them!
Every branch of smith&hsu is very of texture, but the Nanjing branch is the top of them. The atmosphere of the Nanjing branch is light, relaxing and comfortable, just like the feeling of MUJI. You could switch your mood quickly when you step into it. Great tea going with wonderful desserts, along with a splendid environment, makes everyone visit more than 100 times!
店內風格非常的無印風 就是一種易親近的無壓感 一進來就覺得很放鬆呢! |
這個包廂是 smith&hsu 南京東路分店的特點 出自 "自然洋行" 設計團隊 從店外面來看,很像懸空漂浮的櫥窗 非常有設計感 |
店內的茶款及器皿 [左排圖] 只要喜歡的話 展示架上都有陳列及標示價格 連我最愛的自動煮茶機 [中圖] 也有販售喔 ~ 至於實際如何運作,請往下閱讀有影片檔 倒數設定 4 分鐘,最後 1 分鐘會顯示剩餘秒數 時間一到,茶水直接注入下方的玻璃茶壺內 完全不用動手,超方便 ... 好想買一台回家 >///< |
以往挑茶款時 都只能看著 menu 的文字 幻想著不邊際的風味 然後不小心就錯選了 ... 後來有比較進步一點 那就是看成分來理解味道 但針對混合茶就比較難想像 到 smith&hsu 完全沒有這種困擾 各茶飲一字排開 [左圖] 端上桌給客人先試聞,聞喜歡再點 糖罐 [右圖] 的造型也很舒壓 同時質感兼具呢 ~ |
~~~~~~ 延伸閱讀 ~~~~~~
※ 茶館
〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉瑪黑家居選物 Marais x P&T 柏林茶館 ~~ 選物與品茗威力相乘,一趟滿足逛街與喝茶雙願望
【推薦】〈臺北‧捷運西門站〉八拾捌茶輪番所 ~~ 日式建築結合中式窨茶,激盪出香郁生活美學
※ 美食 @ 捷運中山站
〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉麵屋一燈 ITTO ~~ 輕盈爽口的雞湯拉麵流,低溫烹調叉燒超特別
【推薦】〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉三燔本家 Mihan Honke ~~ 壽喜燒界的極致,但這裡其實也有美味的涮涮鍋、爐端燒喔!
【推薦】〈臺北‧捷運中山站〉魚庄 - 日本百年鰻料理專門店 ~~ 源自日本、堅持百餘年的慢工細活好滋味